Sorry for dropping off the radar like this.... Getting my first post-collage job had taken the wind out of my sails. This will have two effects on my projects: One is that I will have much less time to work them (bad), but on the other hand, I have the money to buy parts. (good)
So, what's in the future?
My plans are as follows:
1. finish my test/practice board, designed to teach me the use of surface mount LEDs, and the use of led drivers. This is in preparation for...
2. A full blown LED matrix clock. With programmable text entry, perhaps even animation if I have the time to program it in.
3. Get my balancing robot to working. In addition, put some navigation capability in if I can.... (I signed up for an Udacity course... didn't have time to finish it, but the information it has is valuable for this project.)
In addition, I have some project which are (currently) on the back burner:
- Build a nice set of speakers, along with an acoustic suspension sub-woofer.
- Build a rapid prototyping machine. The capacity to build parts to order is be valuable for robotics etc.
- If and when I can find the space to put one, acquire and learn how to use a bench-top CNC mill, one that is capable of a good degree of accuracy and repeatability. (While machining aluminum and steel)